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UniCredit bank breach – Data of 400,000 loan applicants exposed

Fruitfly macOS and OS X backdoor remained undetected for years

Adobe Flash end of life announced by 2020. Start thing of the migration

Veritaseum – Hacker Steals $8.4 Million in Ethereum, for the second time during the ICO

CrowdStrike presented the fastest and largest cybersecurity search engine

New CowerSnail Windows Backdoor linked to SHELLBIND SambaCry Linux Malware

Expert exploited an unrestricted File Upload flaw in a PayPal Server to remotely execute code

Tor launches Bug Bounty Program, hackers can earn between $2,000 and $4,000 for high severity flaws

Lloyd’s of London: A massive cyber attack could cause an average of $53 billion of economic losses

Microsoft sued Fancy Bear to gain control of the domains used in the cyber espionage campaigns

Modified versions of Nukebot Trojan spotted in wild after code leak