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Mr.Smith, HBO hackers threaten to leak final episode of Game of Thrones 7

Ourmine hacked PlayStation Social Media Accounts to announce the theft of PSN Database

Neptune exploit kit used to deliver Monero cryptocurrency miners via malvertising

Fileless cryptocurrency miner CoinMiner uses NSA EternalBlue exploit to spread

Fappening 2017 – Private pictures of Miley Cyrus, Stella Maxwell, and others leaked

Ropemaker attack allows to transform email in malicious ones after it’s received

New Snowden Docs reveal the NSA spy hub Pine Gap in Australia

Hackers can completely hijack a mobile device via replacement of a touchscreen

Faketoken evolves and targets taxi booking apps to steal banking info

Rapid7 warns of Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) exposure for millions of endpoints

WannaCry hero Marcus Hutchins pleads not guilty